Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Blog Stage 8

On Friday, May 3rd, Dillon B. wrote the blog Stage Seven: Original editorial or commentary #2 on his blog Texas State and Local Government. This blog is over Senate Bill 406. Senate Bill 406 is a bill over school marshals carrying a gun. The reasoning behind is this bill is that "implementing armed marshals in schools will reduce the likelihood of a school shooting from possible threats."

Dillion starts off his blog entry strong. He tells the reader about what he is going to be writing about Senate Bill 406, what the bill is, and what that means. I used a direct quote from Dillon's blog because it tells the reader exactly what Senate Bill 406 is.

The next paragraph Dillan tells the readers why he believes that implementing Senate Bill 406 will be beneficial to schools. He tells the readers that is will "Increase the safety of schools, making schools harder targets." He continues to persuade the reader by saying "Most people won't deliberately put themselves in a position that could harm themselves."

The next couple of paragraphs he continues to persuade the reader by saying how currently there is a limited threat to the school shooters. He uses a metaphor comparing school shooters to bobcats and schools without guns to defenseless animals. To further his argument he says "It's natural for predators to attack easy targets. Therefore, we must make our schools harder targets."

Dillon finishes off his blog entry by explaining to the reader the requirements he believes the marshals should have such as extensive training, background check and proper licensing. He concludes by saying the armed marshals will be the first defense against the potential shooter.

After reading this blog entry I was persuaded by Dillon writing. He does a very good job of persuading the reader without coming across too strong. The paper was laid out perfectly by telling me what Senate Bill 406 is, then telling me his side, then using reason and metaphors to persuade the reader.

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