Friday, April 19, 2019

Blog stage 6

On April 5th, 2019, Estevan Hernandez wrote Blog stage 5 on his blog Estevan Hernandez Govt. Blog. The blog entry was over whether Texas should decriminalize small amounts of marijuana. Hernandez provided a strong blog entry with many valid reasons of why Texas should decriminalize marijuana.

Hernandez starts his blog off by getting straight to the point by telling the reader  what to expect: “Texas has to many people arrested for minimal amounts of marijuana. I believe Texas should decriminalize marijuana.”  This statement hooks the reader and makes them interested to find out why Hernandez believes it should be decriminalized. The only critique for the first couple of sentence is how many times the word marijuana is used, in the first three sentences Hernandez uses marijuana three times.

Hernandez continues by saying that legalizing marijuana would reduce the amount of small non violent crimes and how based on polls the majority of citizens in Texas support partial legalization. These facts are appealing to the reader.

Hernandez finishes his blog off by telling the readers that “A lot of people who are arrested are seeking pain relief.... and would rather smoke marijuana than get hooked on pain killers.” This makes the reader feel sympathy for the marijuana users. Then Hernandez tells the reader what the current laws are on how the have effected people who have been charges.

All together Hernandez did a very good job at telling the reader why he believes marijuana should be decriminalized. To enhance his argument he could have given more specific examples from story’s of people who were criminalized for having small amounts, added a little more information to his blog entry to make it longer, added some statistics, compared how the Texas law is different then other states, and make separate paragraphs to separate his thoughts.

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