Sunday, March 10, 2019

Blog Stage 4

On March 8th, 2019, Rachel Bovard wrote the article Commentary: When Will Congress Do Something About The Border?, for the blog Texas Scorecard. Rachel Bovard is a Senior Director of Policy at the Conservative Partnership Institute. The CPI is an organization that provides training and education to help citizens, congressional staff, and members of Congress. Rachel Bovard is a credible author.

Bovard begins her article by saying that when the Senate disproves Trumps declare for a national emergency "they will be doing so in the face of statistics that say otherwise", immediately she is drawing the reader in to be curious about the statistics. She continues to inform the reader of the statistics on the number of apprehensions at the border in the month of February, the number of adults in immigration custody, and the number of families that are apprehended at the border. After every single statistic, she used  phrases similar to: "the highest number ever." After reading this article for the first time I was shocked by the statistics, like Bovard intended, because using statistics puts it into a perspective of how many families are being affected.

Next, she talks about the role of the asylum laws and how if they claim to have a "credible fear" of being tortured, they can not be deported, and have to stay in the United States until they are taken in front of an immigration judge, which can sometimes take years. Bovard goes into detail of how this can be falsified, and the statistics of how many claims there are and how many later admitted to falsely admitting.

In this article, Bovard's intended audience is border wall supporters. Her overall goal of the article is to make the readers fired up and want Congress to do something about the border wall. Bovard does a good job at influencing the readers thoughts by using statistics, but some of her wording can cause confusion to the reader.

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