Monday, February 11, 2019

Blog Stage 2

On Monday, February 11, 2019, Asher Price wrote the article Texas Republicans to propose tapping rainy day fund for border wall for The Statesman. In the article, Price informed the readers that some Texas state representatives who are wanting to use Texas' "rainy day fund" to help support the border wall. This means Texas would spend $2.5 billion to go towards "to design, test, construct and install physical barriers, roads, and technology along the international land border between the state of Texas and Mexico to prevent illegal crossings in all areas." The fund that is referenced to as the rainy day fund is Texas's state emergency savings account. This account is used for small and large emergencies such as natural disasters in the state of Texas. You should read this article so you are better informed on what on the border wall movements in the state of Texas. 

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